Don’t they look old?

5 May

How did everyone suddenly become so old?

I went through my 20s bumping into old friends and thinking “Gosh, they don’t look any different”. And they’d say the same abut me. I felt pretty smug about it actually. 10 years had gone past and i hadn’t aged a bit. hurrah!

Now we’re well into our 30s and suddenly everyone does look different. Definitely older. A few wrinkles around the eyes. A few skin tags here and there, and definitely some grey hair. Just a bit more worn.

And the men all have beards. Sometimes i catch some of my bearded friends (male only, for now anyway) out of the corner of my eye, and i think to myself “This is what my maths/physics teacher looked like when i was at school”. And now these are my friends.

I always rate myself by age compared with people i meet. “Oh, she’s definitely at least 5 years older, look at the crows feet.” or “Ah yes, she’s been around a few more blocks then me”. You get the idea.

Problem is my self concept hasn’t changed for 10 years. So i’ll often look at people and just assume they’re older than me, when in reality they’re the same age, or worse, younger. And i know people do this about me too.

And what about celebrities? Suddenly all the faces i’ve grown up with are looking old. Christ, have you seen Ant and Dec recently? They’re looking positively middle aged.

And that’s not to mention all the ones that are currently dying. Patrick Swayze. Oh The Swayze. And I don’t even want to think abut Dennis Hopper. Only yesterday he was sat in that motorhome all brave and smouldering, stoical and proud in the face of the Walken. He was the cool guy. The sexy mature guy. Now he’s the old, dying guy.

Even Marti Mcflippin Fly is 50 this year…..

And it’s all happened so fast.

No gentle weathering.

Savaged, seemingly overnight. BAM! Just like that.

It’s no wonder i’ve been grieving time now is it? I keep losing it. Can anyone tell me where the bloody hell it’s gone?

16 Responses to “Don’t they look old?”

  1. TheMadHouse May 5, 2010 at 7:29 am #

    You are so right, I still feel like a teenager! I dread the day I look in the mirror and see an old lady looking back at me, not because I fear getting old, but because I am scared I wont regognise the woman I have become

  2. Sandrine May 5, 2010 at 10:55 am #

    Ah, but I wouldn’t worry about Marty McFly: Michael J Fox was already 25 when he did the first Back to the Future, so he doesn’t count! So you see, we’re not getting old at all!

  3. suburbanmummyuk May 5, 2010 at 11:25 am #

    I always think people look young for their age. Or maybe people are young lol My husband is 44 this year yet most people assume he’s under 35 while I get placed in my mid-late twenties. Not complaining lol

    But yes in my head I am younger.

    I don’t pay much attention to age, more how much you smell 😀

  4. bsouth May 5, 2010 at 11:35 am #

    It’s linked to lack of sleep. The less sleep you have, the faster time goes by.

  5. Deer Baby May 5, 2010 at 9:32 pm #

    Sixth formers look like infants to me. Policemen could be my son. People call me Madam and not Miss. I remember The Specials the first time round. I am officially old. If I put on my Youth Serum twice daily instead of once, will I get younger?

    • marketingtomilk May 6, 2010 at 6:37 am #

      i was just saying to my hubby the other day, all the “experts” being interviewed on the breakfast couch on tv look too young. He reckons they’re runners filling in, i reckon it’s just another sign we’re older.

  6. Simone May 6, 2010 at 12:23 am #

    Tell me about it! I’m just wondering when Brad Pitt is gonna get rid of that nasty beard… I mean, comeone brad, make the most of your pretty face while you still have it!

    I think it’s one of those things (aging) that takes us all by surprise. I don’t think we really believe that we will be middle aged, or old.

    I turned 40 in November. Gasp. What the???
    Me? 40?? Istill don’t really feel like a proper grown up.
    I’m waiting for the wisdom that comes with all the greay (regrowth) hair.

    • marketingtomilk May 6, 2010 at 6:40 am #

      oh brad, another great example of sudden ageing. terribly sad.

  7. theharridan May 8, 2010 at 6:06 am #

    glad to hear the sudden-aging-phenomenon has not just struck me. Wondered seriously about botox the other day. I am 32. Am just toppling over the Cusp of Not Young Any More. Shudder

  8. The Expatresse May 8, 2010 at 5:44 pm #

    Three words: Jamie. Lee. Curtis.

    What happened? She’s still hot, but she suddenly got old.


  9. Belgravia Wife - sort of May 8, 2010 at 6:05 pm #

    I know what you mean – I am kind of working on a post about jeans – when are jeans muttony ? I get my hair dyed, wear jeans – a lot, and on a good day might put on some lip gloss – am I Joan Collins ? xx

    • marketingtomilk May 9, 2010 at 12:12 pm #

      hee hee i love this. i’ve actually got a post in the bag on this same subject. look forward to reading yours.

  10. The Expatresse May 8, 2010 at 8:05 pm #

    Crikey! I’m watching Confessions of a Shopaholic . . . when did JOAN CUSACK get old? When?? She’s two years younger than I am.

  11. Jean Has Been Shopping May 30, 2010 at 1:46 am #

    When I was watching the American Idol finale the other night, I couldn’t believe how old the surviving Bee Gees were. Maurice resembles Santa. It’s a shame.

I'm all about the debate. Would love to hear what you think.