Impractical shoes and a mother’s voice

27 Aug

I didn’t used to be able to make a single decision without worrying what my mum would think, way beyond my teenage years and far into adulthood. It would drive me crazy.  I’d go to get a clean towel from the airing cupboard, and I’d stand there for 10 mins trying to decide which colour and length of fibre, what type – beach, hand or bath my mother would choose.  I’d hear her scolding me for losing my house keys because I would just never learn to put them in the same place.  I’d catch a disapproving whisper “not the liquid eyeliner, too harsh” when applying my make up or a low, amused chuckle when choosing between two sets of shoes that I knew my mother would think equally impractical. I’d replay ten arguments in my head as to why I had made that decision, or this decision regarding my children’s food/clothes/birthday presents, even though it was only in my own head that my choices were ever questioned.

I used to chide myself for it. Why couldn’t I just trust my own instincts? Why did my mother’s opinion on absolutely everything I did as a 30-something still matter? Why was it even more important than my own opinion? In truth I often didn’t even know what my own opinion was, my mother’s voice in my head was so loud.

But now I love it.  Where once it infuriated me, now it only makes me smile. It reassures me, a calming familiarity in a world that is otherwise so changed. Warm, tender, teasing. And it’s in exactly the words she would have used, in her slightly staid tones and with a scent of a New Zealand accent.

And I listen to it now, just as I listened to it then.  Because it’s protective and wise and it knows me. And now I get that.

5 Responses to “Impractical shoes and a mother’s voice”

  1. Jo Collins August 27, 2011 at 7:49 pm #

    my mum is in my head all the time too….wonderful x

  2. Julia Skinner (@theheadsoffice) August 27, 2011 at 8:19 pm #

    You have made me very jealous. I hear a voice that I’m sure is my mother’s but most of the time it is disapproving!

  3. Niki Clark August 27, 2011 at 9:11 pm #

    Wow. I also feel my mum’s disapproving voice when parenting, dressing etc. I absolutely know it’s not her real voice as she’d be devastated if she knew I clean the house top to bottom before she arrives. She loves and knows me too well to expect it yet completely appreciates that I make the effort for her. However. I know that if she weren’t around physically any more I would cherish that inner monologue with my ma. Thank you for making me appreciate that honey. Powerful post x

  4. kelloggsville August 27, 2011 at 9:24 pm #

    I hear my dad often. It’s nice.

  5. Maija @ Maija's Mommy Moments August 28, 2011 at 2:44 am #

    Such a great post and a tribute to your mum. I love how the little things often offer the greatest comfort.

I'm all about the debate. Would love to hear what you think.